Celebrating 80 Years of quality insurance products and services, 1937-2017 and beyond.
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a free quote.

(516) 295-3600

What we do.

As an Independent Agent, The David Jacobs Agency has the flexibility of working with a wide variety of insurance companies.

Upon gathering information from each client, we analyze, and then make our expert recommendations on the type of coverage that is best suited to our clients' needs. We then market the account to a number of insurers based upon each client's individual risk characteristics.

Upon receipt of quotations, we review the various types of coverage, negotiate pricing and then present all options to our clients. We also perform routine coverage reviews on a regular basis for existing clients, thus ensuring that our clients are covered properly and at the very best pricing possible.


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© 2017 David J. Jacobs Co, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The David Jacobs Agency, One Broadcast Plaza, Suite 318, Merrick, NY 11566, (516) 295-3600
Disclaimer: No information transmitted via this medium will be deemed to have been received and processed unless you receive written confirmation directly from our agency. We cannot bind coverage or make any changes to existing policies through e-mail or our website. We cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information obtained through our website. We cannot guarantee confidentiality with any information transmitted to us. Not all coverage may be available.